Having been in higher education, I’ve published my original work in peer-reviewed academic journals. This is a complete list of my publications from the fields of education (4) and science (7).
Granger, J.N., Vinion-Dubiel, A., Yochum, H., Alouf, J., & Loboschefski, T. (2016). Evaluation of lesson study based teacher professional development model for inquiry teaching in STEM. Virginia Mathematics Teacher, 43 (1), 59-64.
Perry, C., Granger, J.N., Vinion-Dubiel, A., & Yochum, H. (2016) Measuring static electricity: A classroom investigation to understand the triboelectric series. Science Scope, 39(7), 14-18.
Lewis, T., Loboschefski, T., Vinion-Dubiel, A., Yochum, H., Alouf, J., & Granger, J. N. (2015). Virginia standards of learning data as a means of measuring classroom impact in a teacher professional development project. Journal of Virginia Science Education, 10(1), 8-25.
Yochum, H., Vinion-Dubiel, A., Granger, J., Lindsay, L., Maass, T., & Mayhew, S. (2013). Electromagnetic Induction. Science and Children. 51(2), 63-67.
Ortega X., Hunt T.A., Loutet S., Vinion-Dubiel, A.D., Datta A., Choudhury B.,Goldberg J.B., Carlson R., Valvano M. (2005) Reconstitution of O-specific lipopolysaccharide expression in Burkholderia cenocepacia strain J2315, which is associated with transmissible infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Bacteriology 187:1324-33.
Vinion-Dubiel, A.D.,Spilker T., Dean C., LiPuma J.J., Goldberg J.B. (2004) Correlation of wbiI genotype, serotype, and isolate source within species of the Burkholderia cepacia complex. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42:4121-6.
Vinion-Dubiel, A.D., Goldberg, J. B. (2003) Lipopolysaccharide of Burkholderia cepacia complex. Journal of Endotoxin Research 9, 201-213. (review)
McClain M.S., Iwamoto H., Cao P., Vinion-Dubiel A.D., Li Y., Szabo G., Shao Z., Cover T.L. (2003) Essential role of a GXXXG motif for membrane channel formation by Helicobacter pylori vacuolating toxin. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278:12101-12108.
McClain, M.S., Cao P., Iwamoto H., Vinion-Dubiel A.D., Szabo G., Shao Z., Cover T.L. (2001) A 12-amino-acid segment, present in type s2 but not in type s1 Helicobacter pylori VacA proteins, abolishes cytotoxin activity and alters membrane channel formation. Journal of Bacteriology 183:6499-6508.
Vinion-Dubiel A.D., McClain M.S., Cao P., Mernaugh R.L., Cover T.L. (2001) Antigenic diversity among Helicobacter pylori vacuolating toxins. Infection and Immunity 69:4329-4336.
Vinion-Dubiel, A.D., McClain, M.S., Czajkowsky, D.M., Iwamoto, H., Ye, D., Cao, P., Schraw, W., Szabo, G., Blanke, S.R., Shao, Z., Cover, T.L. (1999) A dominant negative mutant of Helicobacter pylori vacuolating toxin (VacA) inhibits VacA-induced cell vacuolation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 274, 37736-37742.